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Home senior care

Don't you manage to visit your grandma and drandpa? Find a sitter who will help the seniors in your family. The care-givers can keep the seniors company, take care of the normal running of the household, accompany them to the doctor and the more experienced also work as care-givers.

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What people are saying about care givers



28 years

Mlada djevojka se izvrsno brinula o mojoj dementnoj mami. Tocno je dolazila i svaki mi je dan napisala u poruci kako je posjet prosao, sto je meni koj

— Andrea


41 years

Ivana se odlično brine o starijim osobama kojima treba konstantna njega, naročito prilikom davanja terapije, gdje vrlo dobro poznaje lijekove. Super i

— Nenad


21 years

Briga oko ostarjele osobe koja je bolesna. Pažljiva i pedantna kod pripreme jela, te i dogovorenog čišćenja. Preporučam Tatjanu i poznajem je na djelu

— Marko


53 years

Zvjezdana je veoma komunikativna i simpaticna. Mislim da je odlicno drustvo, i da je brizna, svakako tu kad trebate pomoc. Hvala ti ☺️

— Anamarija

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The sitter and care-giver to help seniors

At you will find a sitter for home senior care. Both for regular help with housework and senior care including personal contact.

You can simply start your search with senior care Zagreb or senior care Split or enter the name of your town in the search box above.

Are you looking for a care-giver? At you will find sitters helping their grandparents, as well as experienced care-givers whose main job is senior care. have their own Verification Centres , three levels of online verification and mainly other users' verification.

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