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We have Validation Centers, 180 reviews and unique cleaning insurance.

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What people are saying about cleaners



24 years

Preporučujem Lanu. Detaljna je, brza, čisti sve po dogovoru i uputama (ja imam OKP na bakterije). Čistila nam je u kući nakon građrevinskih radova pre

— Marija


33 years

Sanja je aposultno sjajna u svakom pogledu! Profesionalna, stručna, temeljita, motivirana, ali i vrlo draga i ugodna osoba. Očistila je naš stan iznad

— Irena


28 years

Ružica brzo dogovara, fleksibilna je u dogovoru, pouzdana i točna u dolasku. Čišćenje obavlja detaljno i savjesno. Komunikacija i osnovne upute o do

— Sunčan


34 years

Kristina čisti vrlo temeljito, netko će možda reći sporo, ali meni to ne smeta dapače meni je važno. Vedre je naravi i unosi pozitivnu energiju. Ništa

— Ivana

I know who helps me with cleaning

No anonymous cleaning ladies. You can choose a cleaning lady who will help you with the household exactly according to your own ideas.

Why to choose cleaning help at

Cleaning of the house or the flat. Always with the same helper.

At find a cleaning sitter who is about to provide cleaning of your home. There are already hundreds of registered cleaning ladies in larger cities.

You can simply start your search with cleaning Zagreb or cleaning Split or enter the name of your town in the search box above.

The most important thing that people care about before the cleaning itself is safety.

Therefore, have their own Verification Centres , three levels of online verification and above all, ratings from other users.

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