Looking for a care-giver to help you with family and household care?

Sign up at Siterice.hr!

Searching sitter I want to know more

Number #1 in HR

Clear levels of verification
and unique insurance

Last minute searching

How does it work?

19695care-givers waiting for their family

  1. Sign up at Siterice.hr!

    You choose a variant „Searching sitter“.

  2. Post a job

    Posting job is free and the care-givers will contact you.

  3. Buy membership

    With membership starting from 13,99 €, you can communicate with the care-givers on the portal. With the guarantee of finding a care-giver and simple bookings.

  4. You arrange details with the care-giver

    You arrange the schedule and cooperation directly with the sitter.

What can you find on Siterice.hr?

Levels of verification

We know that safety and trust come first, especially when it is your closest or household. Therefore, we have created several levels of verification that will help you to choose a reliable care-giver.

Read more about verification

Sitter verification